Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fruits Girls

Well, recently I've been super busy and time got away from me. The last thing I wanted to post was this actually. It's part of a larger project that's VERY interesting and cool, well at least to me it is, but since I realized it's been over a month I thought maybe I should post this "color study".

I'm really very excited as I've been asked to take part in the 2nd "Power in Numbers" show over at Gallery Nucleus. Believe it or not, this is actually my first "official" invite from the gallery it's self. I got a few questions a month or so about how I go about getting gallery show's and I told people, for me, it's either sheer luck, or making things happen for myself. My first two shows were group shows where I was lucky enough to know the co-curators, my third show I literally BEGGED and showed them my portfolio, and if anyone remembers my previous "Power in Numbers" post, well, I kind of crashed that show. So it's a big deal for me to have recieved this invite all on my own. :D

So yeah, "Fruits Girls". . . been workin' on a big project just about everywhere I go: at home, at work, in the car. . . It's crazy. I was promised it'll slow down next month.

LOL, yeah right!

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