Hey All!!
Just wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone the best in the New Year!
AND since it is a new year I thought it would be the perfect day to unveil the
NEW and
IMPROVED Boogervampire.com! As you may or may not have guessed, the last two little illustrations posted here on the blog were for the new site's layout.
Hope you enjoy it and find the site navigation easier and more appealing than the past versions. (Maybe
now I can leave the site alone for a while and focus on other more important things.)
As I said in my Christmas post, I've been pretty productive lately, with revamping the site as well as finishing a painting for my parents and trying to finish a painting for my cousin that's been taking me almost half a year to complete (I am glad to say that my cousin's piece is VERY close to being completed).
SO, I thought I'd post some of the work!

This was the painting I
finally finished for my parents. It's a Windigo who's hypnotized a raccoon into stealing Valentine's day candy. Below is a close up of the Raccoon. I barely got this to Seattle. If I hadn't wrapped it in bubble wrap and paper
twice it would have been destroyed for sure. It's 12" wide and 36" long, my largest painting to date!

Next is a little swimmer girl I've actually had in my head since last June, and was originally what I wanted to create for the
Power in Numbers show at Gallery Nucleus. Unfortunately I couldn't get it out of my head until I was on the plane on my way up to Seattle. Fortunately my paints were already at my Parent's house, so I was able to bang this little baby out in some spare time. I was told, with extreme emotion, that I'm not allowed to give this piece away. . .Because Carlos likes it too much. I've given every other one away, so this time I figured I'd let him have his way. :)

Finally, if you'd like to see more of my vacation pics, in case you're sitting bored at work trying to decide if you want to pry your eye's out with your pencils or rot you're brain on meaningless internet surfing, you can click
HERE for more Boogervampire fun!
Once again, Happy New YEAR everyone!!