Greetings and salutations boils and ghouls!!
Well, as I stated back at the beginning of the year, 2014 is my year to try going out in public and vending at events more. Since my first outing last Bats Day I'm becoming a little more relaxed and accustomed to being in public representing myself. I'm not saying that the week before an event I don't freak out. . . cause I do, but I am saying that it's becoming easier every time. That is due, in part, to all of the wonderful people I encounter at the events. I really enjoy meeting people who actually turn out to meet me and see what I have to offer in the flesh.
Anyway, that being said, I'll be vending at another event in the very near future! A couple years ago I was invited to participate at the Pink Parlour Festival that takes place at the Santa Anita Race Track in Arcadia, CA every year. At the time I hadn't gone out in public before and was intimated by the idea of going, but when they asked this year, I was like, "What the hell! Why not."
Event info:
The Pink Parlour Festival; Sunday, June 22nd, 2014 11pm-7pm at the Santa Anita Race Track in Arcadia, CA. There is an entry fee and tickets can be purchased ahead of time here:
So here's the low down and dirty of what to expect from me at the Pink Parlour Festival. If you've been to one of my previous vending events I'll have a majority of the same stuff with me. All the Prints, necklaces, earrings, hair clips and original mini paintings I have in the shop right now, and yes, that does include the coin purses and cosmetic bags you've grown to love (or hate, to accommodate negative Nancys), BUT I'm also trying to have a new sticker debut at the Pink Parlour Festival. Prudence, the Boogervampire's older sister, had such a positive reception after the reveal of "Little Leota's Fortune Telling Kit for Beginners" that I decided to give her her own sticker! You can see the rough of the sticker here in this post and I'll post the finished sticker (hopefully) before the event on Sunday, June 22nd, 2014.

This week is a short update, which I'm sure you're grateful for, since my two favorite things apparently are painting and rambling on and on over here on the good old bloggy, blog. One last thing before I go today, though. Have you been over to lately? I recently switched from my chicken scratch, home made website to a Wordpress template. It's more streamlined and modern looking. I'm still fiddling with it and adding new images (and trying to figure out a bug that apparently I only have) but
check it out when you have a chance!