I have discovered the most wonderfully amazing, futuristic product that has made my cranky little heart overjoyed and content!! It is a "Spacebag". Yes, one of those weird ass vaccum baggies you see on info-mercials. The thing actually works!!!
Seriously, I got 2 comforters, 2 pillows, 3 decorative pillows, 2 sets of sheets, a set of decorative drapes, and a twin sized flannel blanked all into this huge bag, and when I sucked all the air out, it was seriouly only about 5 inches tall (maybe 6), and there's room under the bed for another bag to be placed on top of that. Sooooo amazing.

But what's EVEN BETTER is that for the last 6 months I've had no where to place my cleaning bucket (which gets used daily thanks to kitties vomiting pyrotechnics), nor have I had a place for my milk crate of rags and my huge bundle of toilet paper, but thanks to the "Spacebag" I finally can put all my acurse-ed floater items where they belong. . . out of site. :D
Life is good.