Key L-eye-me Cupcake!! |
Well, I had grand things in store for this post, but alas, they fell thru. I had wanted to do a large scale comic about my adventures at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con (in the same vein as my journal sketches), but the con was so exhausting that I found myself needing nearly two weeks to recover. Good news, I got what I went for and the short story is that it took 3 whole days for me to get into the line at the Hasbro booth to buy it because soooo many people wanted the My Little Pony Exclusive this year. Silly Bronies.
Anyway. What have I been up too the last three weeks. . . not drawing in my Journal, that's for sure. I now have too many days to make up. But I have been tinkering around with new stuff for the Etsy Shop. Shall we take a look-see?
First up (and if you're a
Facebook Follower, you've already seen some of these):
Soul Sista Medusa. She's having delusions of Pam Grier. |
So I've been wanting to add some Medusa's to the "Hair Style" series. I've been seriously wanting to do an afro inspired style for a while now. At first she was going to be more of an innocent hippie with a daisy in her hair, but the more I thought about possible names, the more I thought of Pam Grier and how AWESOME she is. Since Medusa's kind of a mean, bad ass type woman that wouldn't take any crap from anyone (cause she'd turn them to stone), I thought big 70's shades, hoop earrings and a "Coffee" inspired necklace would be much better "Afro" accessories. Unlike the other Medusa's in the series thus far, I changed up the color scheme a little. I knew I had an orange frame that was exactly like the lime green one I framed the
"Marie Antoinette" Medusa in, so I wanted to make sure the background, scroll and accessory colors complimented the frame. *Fun fact. . . found out by accident last Halloween that this frame actually fluoresces under a black light.*
Test coaster. Not quite finished, but far enough along to share. Coaster number two in the works next to it. |
Coasters. When I posted the
sugar skull print set in the
Crypt of DOOM, a couple of fans started asking when I was going to make coasters out of them. I thought they were nuts. How the heck does one make coasters? Who do you go to to have them made? And could I sell something with my art work on it that I didn't personally make myself on Etsy and feel morally okay with it?
Well guess what? It's EASY!! I checked out a few tutorials online and found that I didn't really need a whole lot to make a decent set of coasters. Since the test coaster went well, I'm going to move forward with creating the full set of 4. Hopefully I'll have that up in the shop before next weekend.
And then:
The multi-bat sketchbook was a test. That one will stay with me, the others below will be in the shop soon. |
On the left, two unlined/sketch Moleskin journals, on the right 3 lined journals. |
Crypt of DOOM follower contacted me once about putting my artwork on Journals. I'm pretty sure she was referring to the sugar skulls, but I was tossing the idea around in my head the other day and though it might be fun to give it a go! And it gave me an excuse to get out my block cutting tools and make a custom stamp (which I haven't done in forever). I looked up custom Moleskins on Etsy, and there's a ton of them. But what I didn't see a whole lot of was black ones. I thought a simple image of bats in a fun, bold color might be interesting to try. Of course every one is different due to it being a hand made stamp and sometimes the block printing ink went on thicker than others, but hey, they're handmade! And, it was a fun escape from the pen and pencil (stylus and computer?).
Until next time, thanks for stopping by!