Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Sketch Dump

Man, my Journal I recieved for Christmas from Brianne is really starting to help in multiple areas of my life!

Here's a few more days worth.  One thing I notice is that the more I do it the better they get.  Granted I can't post all of them because I've started trying to document things that happen each day and some of them can be a bit embarrassing to the subjects I document (namely the Carlos Super Bowl Experience).  But yeah, here's a couple more.

As I said last week, I'm working on some projects I can't post right now.  But I am going to say that I'll be participating in three Gallery/Art Show's next month and I'm trying to get three pieces all done before next Friday, on top of finishing a Commissioned piece for a customer through the Crypt of DOOM!  And all this just two weeks before I start on American Dad!  It's gonna be a crazy time!

Oh, and as a good friend of mine said earlier today. . . Happy Day before Half-Off Chocolate's Eve!!

1 comment:

Natasha Kline said...

SHINY VAMPIRES!!! Omigawd, he's like a gigantic engagement ring!!! Bwahaha