Day 10: Succubus Do you have any idea how hard it is to draw a child succubus with out making it look like pedophile fodder? |
So, I managed to make it thru my first full week. There's something refreshing about drawing something I enjoy at night before I go to sleep. Sadly, it doesn't help me sleep well though.
Day 8: Octomaid Octomaid was fun, her head reminded me of Queen Elizabeth I |
Day 6: Spider Girl Spider girl is quite intent on learning to Knit. |
Day 4: Naga Hadn't heard of a Naga before this exercise. The Wiki said that Naga in Hindi culture were usually cobras. Although the male king cobra is the one with the hood, I really wanted to put one on my little naga girl. |
Day 7: Plant Girl I tried busting out my Tria markers for this. It's been way too long and I was a heck of a lot rustier than I thought I'd be. |
Day 5: Mermaid Top mermaid was second and I wanted to try an angler fish inspired mermaid. I admit I'm happier with the first, but glad I tried the second. |
Day 9: Demon Little Demon girls love AC/DC. |
What you see here is this week's batch. Only bummer about this week's batch is that I didn't have time to do a really developed color illustration on the computer. I did get to look up a new monster I hadn't heard of yet AND I had the pleasure of trying to figure out how to make a 'cute' and pedophile detracting succubus (I'm sure this one's still probably sexy enough to attract some but I'll leave the sexually exploitative 'tween drawings to everyone else).
This last weekend I took part in a beginning puppet construction workshop put on by Lori Lane from
Chatterbox Puppets. Although I took a puppet building and performance class when I was in college, I figured it would be good to brush up on things and see how someone else approaches the idea. I had a ton of fun and realized I had absolutely no idea what I was doing before. You can see Todd (or Toddy Wiseass) the Anti-Lovebug below. My husband and I did make a puppet video torturing our cat Loki with Todd but . . . I'm probably not going to post it any time soon. Don't worry, it's not anything kinky or strange. Just your typical "torture the pet" video. Only with a puppet.
Todd the Anti-Lovebug made at the Chatterbox Puppets beginning puppet construction workshop. |
So, big announcement for me. I'm delving into the of realms of booth running. I'm going to try to keep my agoraphobia in check and run my first physical booth at a convention/craft fair type experience this
Bats Day Weekend (May 3rd-5th, 2013, see their
Website for more details). Since I will be having at least one new painting in the Gallery999 art show that same weekend (also part of the festivities) I figured it would only be logical to also have a booth. More Bat's Day posts in the future, so be on the look out.
Next week: 30 Day Monster Girl Challenge Part 3