Greetings Boils and Ghouls!
The last few weeks leading up to the
ScareLA (or Scare Los Angeles) convention have been full of wild craziness. Most anticipated (making new product and restocking stuff) and some was unexpected (my car breaking down while out purchasing last minute supplies for the convention). But after all was said and done, ScareLA was just as wonderful, fun, stressful and tiring as I had been told it would be.
My always wacky and supportive husband posing at the table on the morning of Day 2. |
Let's get strait to business in this post first (that way if you get bored and decided to stop reading you'll at least get the important news first)!
If you had been patiently waiting for the "Help Us Master Gracey, You're Our Only Hope" (a.k.a. R2D2) coin purse and cosmetic bag restock, I do have bad news. I sold out of the coin purses over the weekend and need to order new ones, again (it'll be about a month). I do have ONE cosmetics bag left after the weekend and it's live, in the
shop, right now. I've reordered some of those as well and should expect them at the same time the new coin purses come in. I also sold out of the "Kissing Bats" coin purses, the BRAND NEW "Wee Emily Dover" coin purses (still ONE cosmetics bag of that left, btw), the "Truly Outrageous" cosmetics bags, and quite a few necklaces. I'll be gradually listing the new product that was made for ScareLA thru out the week, so check the
Crypt of DOOM! frequently to see what's popped up!
One of the many new necklaces I made for ScareLA. |
My newest cosmetic bag and coin purse design went over so well I have to reorder! At the time of writing this, there is one Cosmetics bag left available over in the Crypt of DOOM! |
This little guy found a new home this weekend! Goodbye my little Batty friend! |
Decided to offer a new, larger size option for the "Master Gracey" prints. They were popular. |
One of 3 sketch cards made for the event. The left overs will be listed in the Crypt of DOOM by the end of the week. |
Business done, now is time to wax poetic about the weekend! I had a wonderful time. It was my first two day event and it was overwhelming, at times, how many people would be at the booth at once. I ran out of one of my more popular business card designs and almost ran out of a second (I now have 6 design options for people to choose from at events). If I can judge by the amount of Prudence post cards I have left over, since I was giving them out to people who bought something, I made a lot of sales because there is barely any left of the 100 I had made. I discovered that I'm not the only one that loves Prudence, the Boogervampire's sassy older sister because she had a LOT of new merchandise with her on it sell this weekend. I tried making sketch cards for the first time on this outing, and although none sold, people's reaction to them was positive. I got to meet a BUNCH of my Instagram and Facebook followers, and fellow artist Lupe Flores came out to say hello and brought me a beautiful print of her work! (Thank you, Lupe!!) I got super socially awkward when artist Gris Grimly stopped and looked at my "Little Leota's Fortune Telling Kit for Beginners" painting, and at one point Director John Landis was walking the floor and leaned in to look at my table and smiled. It was so exciting. As usual though, I only ever left the table to use the Ladies Room so I didn't see too much. Thankfully that's where my husband comes in. He runs all over these events taking photos and showing them to me later. I hope that one day, after I've gotten used to going to these kinds of things, I'll feel confident enough to leave the booth and go take a look at my surroundings more.
The print that the talented Lupe Flores brought to me on the 2nd day of ScareLA. Thank you again Lupe! |
This show will be up and on display until August 23rd, 2014 |
Saturday night, in addition to the all day convention, I headed over to
Creature Features in Burbank, CA to check out the Creature from the Black Lagoon 60th Anniversary Tribute Show. I had submitted my painting "He's So Dreamy!" into the show when I realized I didn't have time to create anything new. I was overjoyed (and a bit sad at first) to discover that my "baby" had sold. I only hope that whomever purchased her finds joy every time they look at it and love it as much as I do/did.
Green dots are bittersweet things! Goodbye my friend, you'll be missed. |
A pic from just after He's So Dreamy was completed from November of 2012. |
There were many amazing, fun and nostalgic pieces in the Creature show, in addition to mine. My inner geek loved the Uncle Gilbert costume from the Munsters TV show! If you're in the Southern California region you might want to head over to the shop and check the show out before it ends on August 23rd (2014)!
Come on out and see my latest creation September 6th, 2014! |
Up next? Well, against my better judgment I couldn't pass up an opportunity to take part in the Museum of the Weird Tribute show for Imagineer and Animator Rolly Crump that will be taking place at
Creature Features next month. I hopped on board a little late so I only have until September 6th to conceptualize and create the piece. Wish me luck!
That's it for now. I'm going to go crawl into bed for about a week. Until the next update, LATER GATORS!