So I've started, or nearly finished, my next apron. The spider aprons were a success, so now we move onto baby squid. The main part of the apron is finished, with the waist being hand sewn strips of ribbon. For the first time I used clear thread and it was so nice!! I gave the apron satin waist ties that looked super cute in a bow when I tried it on just before the photo. My favorite part still has to be the sushi fabric. I had to scour the internet for enough fabric to be able to make more than one apron, but it was worth it!! This weekend I'll probably start/finish the squid pocket and then take the apron for fancy Ambitious Misfit photos after the new year.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Squid Apron Progress
So I've started, or nearly finished, my next apron. The spider aprons were a success, so now we move onto baby squid. The main part of the apron is finished, with the waist being hand sewn strips of ribbon. For the first time I used clear thread and it was so nice!! I gave the apron satin waist ties that looked super cute in a bow when I tried it on just before the photo. My favorite part still has to be the sushi fabric. I had to scour the internet for enough fabric to be able to make more than one apron, but it was worth it!! This weekend I'll probably start/finish the squid pocket and then take the apron for fancy Ambitious Misfit photos after the new year.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
Wierdly Wonderful!!

Well, I'm super pumped and shocked. I've had my first piece in my Etsy Shop featured on the site, and it couldn't have been in a better article.
I guess one of the moderators goes around and finds weird stuff in the shops for the different seasons, and she featured the fruitcake!! The last couple days I'd noticed the painting had an abnormal amount of views and finally got smart enough to Google searched it, and WA-LA!! Featured in a quick little article located here:
Any attention to the shop is good attention, right? I won't worry unless it gets posted on Regretsy. :D
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Another Wednesday Gone By

. . . and another Crypt of Doom Update!!
Well, one week left to the South Park Season 13 madness, and believe me, I can't wait to sleep.
I've been contemplating starting to sell prints of some of my paintings in my Etsy Shop for a couple weeks now and I spent all of my day off doing test prints on my Epson to see if it was worth the time or money. I must say, the prints look pretty darn good. I'm still running tests with the 5 Star matte paper. It's supposed to be pretty colorfast, but my ink isn't archival and they don't make that kind of ink for my printer, so I got an archival fixative/varnish to spray on the prints. I'm going to hold off posting any in the shop until I can run a proper 'exposure' test (a test print inside the house and a test print directly in the hot California sun for a couple days should do). After the results are in, there will probably be prints of the two pieces in the ad, as well as one more, up before Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Crypt of Doom Update
Hey Y'all.
As I've said in the past, when I'm in the middle of a run over at work, I neglect everything. Including family. :(
This last Wednesday was my first day off that I've been able to do absolutely nothing, so I spend the day immersing myself in pretty pictures. In the process I realized that even though I recently put an older painting in a gallery show, it was one I'd never put up on my blog. . . so here it is all framed and pretty.

It's title is simple, just "Bobby and the Banshee". I put it in the Gala Benefit show over at Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake, CA. So if you missed it and you'd like to take it home with you *wink, wink* you can head on over to the Crypt of Doom at Etsy.
I also posted my "Green Eggs and Ham" tribute piece over there as well as unleashing "Ferocious Fruitcake" just in time for the holidays. :D
I was feeling so productive that I also finally got up off my dead butt and started the pattern making process for the baby squid apron I posted a design for a year ago. Keep checking back through the next month for updates on that. I'm also going to be posting a third, slightly different version of my spider apron up in my Etsy Shop, a.k.a. the Crypt of Doom before the holidays. In case anyone is interested.
As I've said in the past, when I'm in the middle of a run over at work, I neglect everything. Including family. :(
This last Wednesday was my first day off that I've been able to do absolutely nothing, so I spend the day immersing myself in pretty pictures. In the process I realized that even though I recently put an older painting in a gallery show, it was one I'd never put up on my blog. . . so here it is all framed and pretty.

It's title is simple, just "Bobby and the Banshee". I put it in the Gala Benefit show over at Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake, CA. So if you missed it and you'd like to take it home with you *wink, wink* you can head on over to the Crypt of Doom at Etsy.
I also posted my "Green Eggs and Ham" tribute piece over there as well as unleashing "Ferocious Fruitcake" just in time for the holidays. :D
I was feeling so productive that I also finally got up off my dead butt and started the pattern making process for the baby squid apron I posted a design for a year ago. Keep checking back through the next month for updates on that. I'm also going to be posting a third, slightly different version of my spider apron up in my Etsy Shop, a.k.a. the Crypt of Doom before the holidays. In case anyone is interested.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
5 Years
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
La La Land
Well, I'm officially in the middle of another run here at work. The first episode of the second half of season 13 airs tomorrow night (Wednesday, October 7th, 2009). We've been pretty busy getting something nice and offensively funny ready for people.
We've been sketching a lot at work lately. We expanded something we started last run called "Kreative KY: Lubrication for Our Funny Bones", so now we doodle for 20 minutes every morning. We've been posting them every week over on the website Issuu. I'm in charge of making sure everyone's stuff is up and pretty looking.
Below is a quick image I made for the cover. I wanted to do one of those flat owls everyone LOVES so much. So here's my weird owly-bird thingy. I would call him "Owlor", but I decided that this is Owlor's little brother Cletus.

On the 24th I'll be participating in another Art Show over at Monkeyhouse Toys. It's superhero themed, and since I'm workin' like a mad lady, I'll be showing the Wonder Woman piece from the "Golden Age of Heroes" show again.
We've been sketching a lot at work lately. We expanded something we started last run called "Kreative KY: Lubrication for Our Funny Bones", so now we doodle for 20 minutes every morning. We've been posting them every week over on the website Issuu. I'm in charge of making sure everyone's stuff is up and pretty looking.
Below is a quick image I made for the cover. I wanted to do one of those flat owls everyone LOVES so much. So here's my weird owly-bird thingy. I would call him "Owlor", but I decided that this is Owlor's little brother Cletus.

On the 24th I'll be participating in another Art Show over at Monkeyhouse Toys. It's superhero themed, and since I'm workin' like a mad lady, I'll be showing the Wonder Woman piece from the "Golden Age of Heroes" show again.
Friday, September 18, 2009
"Firefly" Chairty Show at Monkey House Toys

Another last minute notice type thing, but this weekend, over at Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake, CA, there is a charity artshow/sale going on. I'll have an older piece entitled "Bobby and the Banshee" up for sale. If your around, stop by and take a look at the nifty pictures and contemplate donating to a good cause.
Friday, August 28, 2009
"Sweet Streets" and "Oh, the Art You Will See"

Greetings all! This weekend I'll be participating in two more group gallery shows. First up, is "Oh, the Art You Will See" at Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake, CA (from 4pm-8pm). It's a group show of works inspired by Dr. Seuss stories. As a kid, my favorite story was "Green Eggs and Ham", so yeah. That's it.

Second, I'll be displaying the "2-D Fruity" guitar in Gallery Nucleus' group show entitled "Sweet Streets". It's a show based on those crazy Japanese kids and their truly unique fashion sense. "Sweet Streets" opening will Saturday, August 29th from 7pm-10pm in Alhambra, CA.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Truly Outragous!

So, I did an all-nighter Monday night to finish this little ditty. It's for another group gallery show, this one at Monkeyhouse Toys in Silverlake, CA. It's just a little get together of some local artists displaying artwork based on their favorite 80's toys. If you're in the neighborhood, stop on by. It's Saturday, August 1st from 4pm-8pm.
Obviously (or maybe not, took the gallery owner at Monkeyhouse a little while to get it) I loved Jem Dolls as a kid. Had Jem, but always wanted Pizzazz and Stormer. Also making a cameo is my very well loved Care Bear Cousin, Cozy Heart. No he didn't have an eye patch when I was a kid, but he had some paint scraped off his eyes and probably should have.
See flyer below:

*unaltered image available here.*
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Independence Weekend Gallery Shows!

So for people in the Los Angeles area, I was just reminded that Gallery Nucleus is having the "Kiss from Tokyo" book signing and gallery exhibition this Friday night, July 3rd from 7-10pm. A friend of mine's got a piece in the show, and not to mention that the other artist's stuff looks pretty sweet too (from what I've seen on the blogs anyway)! The show is up til the 14th, so if you can't make it opening night, then you've got two weeks!

Also, once again, "Golden Age Heroes" same night, same time, only at Brave New Worlds in Philadelphia, PA. Check it out if you're an East Coaster in the neighborhood!

The Autumn Society posted a few photo's of the event up on their Flickr account. If you squint you can see my piece. :P
Monday, June 29, 2009
AH-ha-ha! I WIN!!

So, a month ago a friend of mine spoke to a friend of her's to get me into a gallery show in Philadelphia, Pa called the "Golden Age of Heroes" hosted by The Autumn Society. I was really excited and super pumped to do a piece based on old school comics, and of course being a huge Wonder Woman dork, I already knew I HAD to do something with her in it.
Then my summer job started. . . and I missed the deadline. . . oh well. BUT THEN, i grew some balls, contacted one of the curators and asked if I could still submit it. He said as long as the piece is there by July 1st, it's all good. And thanks to the AWESOME UPS dudes at our local UPS branch, they said it should show up on the 1st. So, Philadelphia here I COME!! :D
Thanks so much to the guys at the The Autumn Society again for letting me take part in this! There's no better way to honour the 4th than through awesome classic cartoons and comic characters?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Fashion Drawing Class (Half Way)

So I registered for this really short 6 week class on Fashion and Costume Design. It's a night class, with only 5 students. I'm enjoying it, for the most part. The teacher is new to teaching adults, so it's interesting how he deals with us. The part I've found the most interesting is how BAD I've been at it. I've had the class now for 4 weeks, only two left to go, and the 5 of us in the class are all struggling with getting the figure drawn in the correct 'fashion design' way. My personal problem is that I've been drawing thicker girls lately and I've completely forgotten how to draw anorexic chicks. :)

Anyway, not all my stuff is bad. . . Did these three little guys in my "journal" we've been keeping for the class. Just your regular old boring drawing from a magazine, but I'm really happy with the anorexia level and the marker stuff. (It's been more fun learning a new way to use my markers, not to mention actually using colors I've never used.)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Rainbow Roller Girl

YAY!! Vacation time! In celebration of the upcoming summer. . . and my first week of break, it's the Farrah Fawcett/Rainbow Bright collision of awesomeness!! It took forever to get my brain to not want to give it South Park eyes. :P
Next week I start my summer Neopets job. I'm really excited to be going to hang out with my friends again and doing all sorts of props and clothing. I can't WAIT for a 40 hour work week!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Crypt of Doom: Update

Well, since I finally have the time to update my Etsy Shop, I decided to pick a few boogers from the archive and throw them up there and see if anyone is interested in taking them home.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Movin' Along

Ahhh, FREEDOM!! Summer hiatus has arrived and I'm beyond excited for it!
First off, some drawings! I went rooting through the supply cupboard at work and found some prismacolor markers and decided to draw some monkeys from a flickr photosstream. Turned out nicer than I had anticpated since I haven't drawn monkeys or with markers in a LONG ASS TIME.

Second, these didn't get used at work, but thought they were slightly amusing if not highly offensive. They were vis-dev sketches from one of Cartman's flashback sequences in the "Fishsticks" episode. Don't know if I can get into trouble for posting stuff from my personal sketchbook or not, so I put copyright info at the bottom just to try to save my butt a little. Also below is the South Park equivalent of 100 push ups. . . if you suck at thumbnailing.

And, finally, I'm super happy to say that both my aprons sold on ETSY!!! I was so excited that I had to package them ultra super special for their trips to their new homes. Carlos said that the mail lady looked at him funny when he took them into the post office. That's my goal, freaking out one postal service attendant at a time. ;)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

So, um, yeah. . . I don't know why I made her topless. . . sometimes I just don't wanna draw clothes on them. Maybe it's like a deep seeded psychosis rooted in the fact that I never wanna get out of bed in the morning, hence not getting dressed. . . although I always live in my Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters pjs, and that's kinda dressed. . . right? Rambling again. Time for bed.
In case you're curious, it was done in Corel Draw X3 and was inspired by this artist I found on Deviantart that goes by the name Blush Art.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My Morning Commute

So, my boss encouraged me to try making a 6 panel comic of how I get to work in the morning. This was the result.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Janey the Zombie Tramp Pin-Up
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Birds for Brianne
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Happy 30th Birthday, Bunny!

So today is Carlos' 30th birthday. I stayed up late last night/this morning making him a card so he'd feel special and stuff.

Oh, and we also had a G.I.Joe party. For more funny G.I.Joe birthday party pics, check out our Flickr set. They're just plain ol' silly. :)
Side note, I was really excited to see today that the first season of South Park I worked on came out on DVD on Tuesday!!! I had to buy it I was so pumped!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Creature Colored

So a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I sketched a cute little "Creature from the Pink Lagoon". My friends demanded a colored version but I forgot about her and had all these grand ideas in mind for her that never did anything but sit stagnant in my mind. Until now.
I finally got up off my dead butt today and did something with her, primarily making her the new image on my website's contact page.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Jury Duty

So, for the last two and a half weeks I've been on jury duty. It's an interesting process. Back in December when I was supposed to serve, I wound up postponing again so I could go get snowed in in Washington with my family. That time I died my hair blue to try to get out of it, this time my hair was normal so I got selected. I even told them under oath where I worked during selection in hopes that the conservative old people that were the defendants and plaintiffs would not want someone like me. Obviously that didn't work, so I've been taking advantage of the time to read "Shot by Shot", do some doodling, practice a little, and mostly sketch all the people around the courthouse.

Friday, January 30, 2009
The Crypt of DOOM!!

Well, one of my many goals for the last year or so has finally come to fruition, I've been promising myself I'd open and online shop and thanks to Etsy I can finally cross that off my list.
Right now there is just the one item, but I hope to post things from time to time, like the Squid Apron, some guitars and other paintings.
So please feel free to stop by The Crypt of DOOM!! and see what's taking place from time to time.
Oh,and in case you were curious, the AWESOME photographs of the apron could not have been achieved with out the help of my good friend the Ambitious Misfit and Nicole the model. Here's one of my personal favorites from the shoot. . . I just love the expression on her face!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Something New and Blue. . . Something Borrowed Too
No, I'm not getting married, but the saying worked so well I used it. And yes the something old is actually borrowed (kinda).

Anyway, the something blue and something new is actually 3 very tiny paintings.
Carlos' Grandmother is Turning 90 today and I wanted to give her something small to keep close. So one of these adorable 1.5"x2" paintings, based on my babies Isis and Nico, will be keeping Abulita company, and hopefully close to her heart.
The something old and borrowed is actually very old and "borrowed" from my parents. When I was 13 I was in my 'Disney Phase' as I call it, and every month for almost 4 years I did a 'magazine' cover. Not having cable when I grew up, we never had the Disney Channel and I didn't find out til I was older and had grown out of my phase that there really was a "Disney Magazine" that I guess was kinda like a TV guide for the channel or something. Anyway, just for giggles, I scanned one of the oldest one's from 1991 and one of the last from the set made in 1994. It was a complete hoot when I stumbled upon these atrocities of my childhood, but heartwarming at the same time. Nothing took me back to my childhood quicker than these drawings done in cheap marker/color pencil and glittery fabric paint. . . I should be embarrassed, but I'm not.

Anyway, the something blue and something new is actually 3 very tiny paintings.
Carlos' Grandmother is Turning 90 today and I wanted to give her something small to keep close. So one of these adorable 1.5"x2" paintings, based on my babies Isis and Nico, will be keeping Abulita company, and hopefully close to her heart.
The something old and borrowed is actually very old and "borrowed" from my parents. When I was 13 I was in my 'Disney Phase' as I call it, and every month for almost 4 years I did a 'magazine' cover. Not having cable when I grew up, we never had the Disney Channel and I didn't find out til I was older and had grown out of my phase that there really was a "Disney Magazine" that I guess was kinda like a TV guide for the channel or something. Anyway, just for giggles, I scanned one of the oldest one's from 1991 and one of the last from the set made in 1994. It was a complete hoot when I stumbled upon these atrocities of my childhood, but heartwarming at the same time. Nothing took me back to my childhood quicker than these drawings done in cheap marker/color pencil and glittery fabric paint. . . I should be embarrassed, but I'm not.

Saturday, January 03, 2009
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